Tools to Communicate Authentically Without Losing Your Cool, Taking It Personally, or Giving up on the People in Your Life


An 8-week transformative online course with Alejandra Siroka



Tools to Communicate 
Authentically Without Losing Your Cool, Taking It Personally, or Giving up on the People in Your Life


An 8-week transformative online course with Alejandra Siroka



I hear you...

You want to have more meaningful relationships.

It's exhausting to have fewer and fewer things to talk about with your partner, family members, or long-time friends.

It's painful to hide your way of experiencing life, your vision for the future, your feelingful heart.

You care about people, you love your family, and you wish you could really talk to them without arguing, defending, justifying your choices, or trying to convince them to change their perspective.

Getting together with the people you thought knew you, sometimes leaves you feeling lonely, insecure, anxious, or doubtful about belonging. 

Something in you says a different way is possible.


But despite the hours of reflection in your journal, on a yoga mat, a meditation cushion, and inspiring talks and books - you’re just a bit puzzled about how to get the kind of connection with the people in your life who may have a different idea and experience of the same world you both live in.

If this resonates with you, then I'm delighted you are reading this... I can help you!

And I’m going to tell you exactly how the 8-week online program I put together for you, called Choosing True Connectionwill give you the communication tools, inspiration, and unparalleled support on your journey to more satisfying connection and meaningful relationships with all the people in your life, especially with those you want to connect to in real, authentic and harmonious way.

~ Alejandra


This 8-week communication course will transform the way you listen, connect with yourself and others, and handle challenging interactions.

The Choosing
True Connection course is a unique program that helps you uncover self-sabotaging communication patterns you didn’t know you had, gives you mindful communication skills to listen and speak your truth as you connect with the people in your life with authenticity, clarity, and confidence.


No matter how others talk to you, you will have the skills to stay grounded.


Hear from past Choosing True Connection participants


"The communication tools in this course blew my mind."

"This is the second time I take the course."

By the end of this course, you will have:

  • Acquired the tools to listen with grounded presence and capacity no matter what the other said 
  • Learned how to redirect a conversation that could turn into an argument
  • Developed new communication skills to connect with family members, loved ones, and all you care about
  • Increaded your confidence in your capacity to communicate with authenticity, empathy, and clarity
  • Have been listened to and heard with non-judgment and compassion


What You'll Learn in Choosing True Connection


You’ll have all the organizational tools you need to help you get the most out of the course, including:

  • How to find your true why and set your course focus
  • How to organize your time, calendar, and set your listening  partnership
  • How to have a connecting conversation to gather support from the people in your life as you go through this course 

In this module, you’ll discover the habits you developed that create disconnection and keep your relationships on the surface.

  • Explore the 6 most common disconnecting “listening” habits
  • Identify the disconnecting habits you use the most
  • Learn how to stay connected to shift out of disconnecting communication habits

In this module, you’ll identify and explore the 3 sources of speaking and listening and increase your ability to listen to others with greater awareness.

  • Identify your most common source of communication
  • Understand the pros and cons of your default source of communication
  • Learn how to create connection when others communicate from different sources

In this module, you’ll learn to pay attention to verbal, vocal and visual communication, and listen with empathy to create safety, connection, and trust.

  • Have greater awareness of how others communicate  
  • Learn to create a space of safety and trust for you and the other
  • Have tools to communicate with empathy, understanding, and respect of your speaker's communication style

In this module, you’ll learn what happens to your brain that makes it hard to listen. You’ll also develop and practice strategies to stay grounded when you get triggered.

  • Understand your brain and use of language when you're triggered
  • Practice tools to bring yourself back to connection during triggering moments
  • Learn to de-escalate and continue the conversation with greater capacity

In this module, you'll learn to listen to disagreements and uncomfortable or painful content with spaciousness, calmness, and self-connection.

  • Recognize the deeper impact of how you handle uncomfortable content
  • Track your experience when someone shares something uncomfortable
  • Listen to uncomfortable content with confidence and learn to shift the conversation skillfully

In this module, you’ll integrate all the tools you’ve learned. You'll practice how to set the conditions for connection and redirect the interaction when needed.

  • Practice how to listen without taking it personally, losing your cool or losing yourself when you feel vulnerable
  • Learn to tap into and maintain your values throughout the interaction
  • Track how you are contributing to the quality of connection


  • learn conscious listening 
  • have true connection
  • handle challenging interactions



  • Listen to the lessons and processes in your car or during a walk
  • have access when needed

  • Q & A with Alejandra 
  •  recordings of live sessions to view later
  • practice in community

* Live with Alejandra

  • tools and steps 
  • processes and inquiries
  • writing and journaling exercises 


  • how to receive feedback skillfully 
  • how to listen to children
  • embodied practices for the 3 trigger types


  • share with fellow participants
  • post comments
  • experience supportive online environment


* Lifetime access.  You can come back to all these course materials even as they get upgraded!



Plus these bonuses to give you extra tools for connection:

  • BONUS 1 - Receive Feedback Skillfully

    Mini-course training with 3-videos and a workbook ($297 Value)

    In this powerful mini-course you will to understand what makes it hard for you to receive feedback, how to receive feedback without taking it personally, and how to respond while keeping your integrity and the connection intact.

  • BONUS 2 - How to Listen to Children

    With Guest Teacher Caroline Griswold, Respectful Parenting Coach  ($297 Value)

    As an adult, you model safety and connection for children at all times. Children need special care for us to create a safe listening space so that they feel comfortable connecting with us. This bonus by Caroline Griswold, a respectful parenting coach, will give you practical tools to support children when they need you the most.

  • BONUS 3 - Embodied Daily Practices for the 3 Trigger Types

    Three videos ($159 Value)

    If you want to learn how to get triggered less often, then you need to work with your energy on a regular basis. With this bonus, you will have access to 3 videos with 5-minute daily practices to stay calm, grounded, and tap into your natural confidence.

4 Monthly Payments of


* Offer valid until Oct 30, 2024



3 Monthly

Payments of




A One-time

Payment of



Dates & Details  

  • Your receive the content of the Preparation module, as soon as you sign up.

  • Live 90-minute Group Coaching Sessions with Alejandra

    Sundays 10:30AM-12:00PM PT/1:30-3:30PM ET


#1: November 10, 2024 
#2: November 17, 2024
#3: November 24, 2024
#4: December 1, 2024
#5: December 8, 2024
#6: December 15, 2024
#7: December 29, 2024
#8: January 5, 2025

Enrollment closes on November 8, 2024.


Of course, you'll have a Risk-Free Guarantee

I’m delighted to offer this communication course that will transform the way you listen, connect with yourself and others, and handle challenging interactions.

The Choosing True Connection course is a unique program that helps you uncover self-sabotaging communication patterns you didn’t know you had, gives you mindful communication skills to listen and connect with others, and teaches you how to connect with others with authenticity, clarity and confidence.

There is no other course like this one in which you will receive and integration of linguistics, psychology, consciousness and transformation, neuroscience from someone who’s practiced ancient wisdom traditions for over two decades and has helped hundreds of people connect to themselves and others.

Also, this is not a self-led course, it’s a course with a built-in community that will help you feel the nourishment of connection and will cheer you on your journey to choosing connection with yourself and others.

When you enroll in the course, you’ll have a 14-day guarantee. This means that by the end of the 14 days, you’ll have received access to the Course Intro and the complete Module 1, including the first live class with Alejandra.

In the event that you decide that this is not the course for you, within 14 days of purchase, simply contact our support team let us know you’d like a refund by the 14th day at 11:59 EST, show us that you’ve tried the course and we’ll issue you a refund. To view my full guarantee, terms, and conditions, please click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some questions previous students asked

Still thinking about it?

It would be beneficial for you to give the Choosing True Connection online course a 14-day risk-free try if you know in your heart that…

  • You want to not just survive but thrive in your life.
  • You’re fully aware that while solo activities like reading or meditating are enjoyable, they don’t offer the kind of human connection meaningful relationships do.
  • You’ve seen people who spend their whole life without true connection and that’s not the image you have about yourself. 
  • You know you have the capacity to keep learning new tools that help you grow up the parts of you that don’t know how to stay connected in a conversation without losing your cool, taking it personally, or feeling like you have to give who you truly are. 

That’s why you’re so willing to dedicate just 6 weeks of your life to choose to connect to your own capacity and connect with the most important people in your life or the people you want to attract in your life.

By now, you understand that you can’t do this alone, or else you wouldn’t be reading this. You know you need a guide who’s been there and you need models who can show you what’s possible and also hold the non-judgmental space for you to explore what is possible for you.

And you probably notice that tension in your belly or chest dissolving because there is a way for you to transform the way you listen, have meaningful connection with others, and feel like an adult when it’s time to handle difficult conversations.

I’m here, ready to support you, a beautiful community of people is here ready to cheer for you and learn with you, and if you’re reading this, you are here, ready to experience the alchemical power of choosing connection.



If you have questions book a 15-minute call with me.

I'm so looking forward to welcoming you in Choosing True Connection!

Language and communication have always been my passion. But even after two masters degrees on language and communication, I didn’t really know how to use language to communicate when I felt angry, sad,  misunderstood, or when others disagreed with my values, experiences or vision for the world.

In those instances, I closed off and felt too righteous, too embarrassed, or too hurt to be able to say anything.

I longed for a profound connection with others and this became really important when I got married to Matthew 19 years ago.

After understanding my own patterns and exploring transformative communication approaches, I’m now able to remain open and curious during disagreements, without disconnecting from myself, my confidence or my compassion for others, especially for my conservative family, my friends, and my beloved Matthew.

Learning to connect to my true essence also allowed me to have deep conversations about death and funeral arrangements with my father before he passed, to have beautiful respectful disagreements about religion with my mother, and also to keep friendships thriving and growing despite having different lifestyles or political ideas.

I know the healing power of language and I invite you to experience it yourself.

You, too can transform your life and relationships and experience the richness of deep human connection.


More participant stories


"I was resistant to sign up. I learned a lot. I'm grateful I signed up."

"I took the course with my partner and the benefit was twofold."

"I feel capable after taking the course and I'm ready for more."